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A three point overview of Eureka Capital:


Eureka Capital is a London based independent financial consultancy with expertise in all areas of derivatives, funding and capital raising.

The business is set up as a partnership between a core group of highly experienced professionals who apart from their extensive general financial knowledge each contribute their own specialism ranging from derivatives pricing to legal and regulatory issues.

All other services are deliberately outsourced on a project by project basis creating solutions which add the most value for our clients and transforming the existing practice of “we deliver what we can produce in house” into “we deliver what is best for the client”.

The business concept offers the financial engineering power of a large investment bank to smaller counterparties and projects with complete transparency and without the associated bureaucracy or cost.

We also offer advisory services on a project by project basis where the counterparty is an investment bank and where additional transparency and independence is key.

Eureka Capital is independent, non-conflicted and does not trade for its own account.

Milko Ostendorf, CEO

Research & Useful Links


For associated background information and regulation the following links could be of interest:

Contact +44 20 7401 9266 | contact@eurekacap.co.uk | 23 Skyline Village, Canary Wharf, London, E14 9TS